
FIT - modified for Corporate Games
A team is 6 a side.
A ‘Touch’ is a 1-hand touch on any part of the body but must not be dangerous.
After a ‘Touch’ the player performs a rollball, stepping over or gently rolling the ball between the feet
Defenders must retire quickly 5 metres from the Rollball.
After 6 touches the ball is given to the opposition.
If the ball is passed forward or is dropped the ball is given to the opposition.
For start of each half, restarts after a touchdown, or penalty the ball is tapped and passed.
A ‘Touchdown’ is scored by grounding the ball over the scoreline and is worth 1 point.
Kicks are not allowed.
Teams are scheduled a minimum of 3 matches of at least 16 minutes each.
Competition is pool play followed by elimination tournament.
Squad Size Min 8 Max 10 including management.
Rolling substitutions.
Teams must have no more than 3 players of each gender on the field.
No goalposts. Grass surface.
Specific Competition Details will be provided at Registration.
Matching shirts are required.
Match balls supplied.